Chelsea Klukas
Chelsea Klukas is a Calgary ex-pat living in Seattle, WA. Despite being a green-card-holding American, she still prefers Caesars over Bloody Marys and insists on calling it a "Washroom". When she isn't eating, Chelsea co-runs the FashionTech startup MakeFashion and manages design teams for mobile products. Her creative work has been featured in Vice's The Creator's Project, TechCrunch,, Techvibes, The Calgary Herald, Huffington Post, Variety magazine, and the Globe and Mail.

5 Ways Canadian restaurants can benefit from Pokemon GO
Love it or hate it, Pokemon GO has arrived in Canada. With more daily active users than Twitter and over 26 million players in the U.S. just two weeks after launch, there’s no denying the popularity of this location-based game.

Find the best chicken wings in any city with WingsnBeer app
Canadian entrepreneur launches app to help you find the best wings and beer deals

“F.E.D. U.P.” Eatery Database Slams Discrimination in Restaurants
When searching for the city’s best burger or checking out a new spot for happy hour, diversity and gender equality often isn’t top of mind.

7 foods Canadian ex-pats take for granted
You really don't know what you've got 'til it's gone.

5 culinary exaggerations that should take a hike
We're all for hyperboles, but sometimes they just don't fit the bill

5 apps every Canadian foodie should have
Best apps for cooking, dining, grocery shopping and brushing up on food history

11 sexiest food costumes for Halloween
No more Catwoman or sexy firefighter costumes this Halloween. Turn trick-or-treating into a potluck with these food costumes.

3-D printed food: powdered pizza and other digital recipes
Forget stoves and ovens. You will want a printer in the kitchen.