After introducing Saskatchewan’s first gin-based ready-to-drink cocktail in 2021 and a fresh rebrand in the time since, Saskatoon’s acclaimed Stumbletown Distilling is gearing up to release yet another exciting first-of-its-kind product for the province on May 1.
The newest addition to Stumbletown’s Cosmic Cowboy line features the return of the distillery’s once-wildly popular Snap Pea Gin, along with crisp notes of cucumber and cantaloupe. Much like how the original Cosmic Cowboy was the first gin-based RTD to hit shelves in Saskatchewan, the Snap Pea Cosmic Cowboy will be the first gin-based canned product in the province that has zero carbs, zero sugar, and is gluten-free.

“We get overwhelmed with emails and calls trying to get us to bring our Snap Pea Gin back, so when we decided we were going to this spring, we thought this would be a great base for a delicious summertime cocktail in a can,” says Stumbletown founder Craig Holland. “The snap pea and cantaloupe give that particular gin some sweetness, which comes through in the gin soda nicely, especially when we paired it with additional cucumber flavours!”
Stumbletown Distilling’s new Cosmic Cowboy will be available to purchase online and at select Saskatchewan retailers on May 1. Stumbletown has also stated that several more of its non-clear spirits will soon be getting upgraded with its new rebranding, so keep an eye on the Stumbletown Instagram page for up-to-date announcements.